B.X.K. Chng, T. van Dijk, R. Bhargava, P.S. Carney “Enhancement and extinction effects in surface-enhanced stimulated Raman spectroscopy” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 21348-21355 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1039/C4CP05089D
B. Deutsch, R. Reddy, D. Mayerich, R. Bhargava, P.S. Carney “Compositional prior information in computed infrared spectroscopic imaging” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 32, 1126–1131 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.32.001126
B.M. DeVetter, P. Mukherjee, C. J. Murphy, R. Bhargava “Measuring binding kinetics of aromatic thiolated molecules with nanoparticles via surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy” Nanoscale 7, 8766–8775 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1039/C5NR01006C
M.K. Gelber, R. Bhargava “Monolithic multilayer microfluidics via sacrificial molding of 3D-printed isomalt” Lab Chip 15, 1736–1741 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1039/C4LC01392A
J. Han, W. Qiu, S. Tiwari, R. Bhargava, W. Gao, B. Xing “Consumer-grade polyurethane foam functions as a large and selective absorption sink for bisphenol A in aqueous media” J. Mater Chem. A 3, 8870–8881 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1039/C5TA00868A
J.T. Kwak, A. Kajdacsy-Balla, V. Macias, M. Walsh, S. Sinha, R. Bhargava “Improving prediction of prostate cancer recurrence using chemical imaging” Sci. Rep. 5, 8758 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1038/srep08758
L.S. Leslie, T.P. Wrobel, D. Mayerich, S. Bindra, R. Emmadi, R. Bhargava “High definition infrared spectroscopic imaging for lymph node histopathology” PLOS ONE 10, e0127238 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127238
D. Mayerich, M.J. Walsh, A. Kadjacsy-Balla, P. S. Ray, S.M. Hewitt, R. Bhargava “Stain-less staining for computed histopathology” Technology 3, 27–31 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1142/S2339547815200010
P. Mukherjee, S.K. Misra, M.C. Gryka, H.-H. Chang, S. Tiwari, W.L. Wilson, J. W. Scott, R. Bhargava, D. Pan “Tunable luminescent carbon nanospheres with well-defined nanoscale chemistry for synchronized imaging and therapy” Small 11, 4691-4703 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1002/smll.20150072
S. Tiwari, R. Bhargava “Extracting knowledge from chemical imaging data using computational algorithms for digital cancer diagnosis” Yale J. Biol. Med. 88, 131–143 (2015).
Paper | PMCID: PMC4445435
S. Tiwari, V.B. Reddy, R. Bhargava, J. Raman “Computational chemical imaging for cardiovascular pathology: Chemical microscopic imaging accurately determines cardiac transplant rejection” PLOS ONE 10, e1025183 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125183
T. van Dijk, D. Mayerich, P.S. Carney, R. Bhargava “Understanding the optics-sample interaction in infrared spectroscopic imaging” Analyst 139, 4031-4036 (2015.
Paper | DOI: 10.1039/C3AN01687K
K. Yeh, S. Kenkel, J.-N. Liu, R. Bhargava “Fast infrared chemical imaging with a quantum cascade laser” Anal. Chem. 87, 485–493 (2015).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/ac5027513
J.-N. Liu, R. Bhargava, B.T. Cunningham “Discrete-frequency infrared microspectroscopy using monolithically integrated phtonic filters” 2015 IEEE Photonics Conference, 7323545, 627-628 (2015). [Conference Paper]
L.S. Leslie, A. Kajdacsy-Balla, R. Bhargava “High-definition fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging of breast tissue” Proc. SPIE 9420, art. no. 94200I (2015). [Conference Paper]
Y. Li, D.J. Mai, E. Horstman, R. Bhargava “Preparing female engineering doctoral students for the Academic Job Market through a training program inspired by peer review” 122nd American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference (2015). [Conference Paper]
R. Bhargava, I.W. Levin “Recent developments in Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopic methods for biomedical analyses: From single-point detection to two-dimensional imaging” Biomedical Photonics Handbook, T. Vo-Dinh, ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2015). [Conference Paper]
S. Tiwari, X. Zong, S. E. Holton, K.V. Prasanth, R. Bhargava “Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and imaging of the nucleus to characterize DNA contributions in different phases of the cell cycle” Proc. SPIE 9417, art. no. 941720 (2015). [Conference Paper]
M.J. Baker, J. Trevisan, P. Bassan, R. Bhargava, […] P. Gardner, F.L. Martin “Using Fourier transform IR spectroscopy to analyze biological materials” Nat. Protoc. 9, 1771–1791 (2014).
Paper | DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2014.110
B.M. DeVetter, R. Bhargava, C.J. Murphy “Computational study of the surface-enhanced Raman scattering from silica-coated silver nanowires” Photochem. Photobiol. 90, 415–418 (2014).
Paper | DOI: 10.1111/php.1220
B.M. DeVetter, S.T. Sivapalan, D.D. Patel, M.V. Schulmerich, C.J. Murphy, R. Bhargava “Observation of molecular diffusion in polyelectrolyte-wrapped SERS nanoprobes” Langmuir 30, 8931–8937 (2014).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/la501944k
S.E. Holton, A. Bergamaschi, B.S. Katzenellenbogen, R. Bhargava “Integration of molecular profiling and chemical imaging to elucidate fibroblast-microenvironment impact on cancer cell phenotype and endocrine resistance in breast cancer” PLOS ONE 9, e96878 (2014).
Paper | DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096878
J.-N. Liu, M.V. Schulmerich, R. Bhargava, B.T. Cunningham “Sculpting narrowband Fano resonances inherent in the large-area mid-infrared photonic crystal microresonators for spectroscopic imaging” Opt. Express 22, 18142–18158 (2014).
Paper | DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.018142
D. Mayerich, T. van Dijk, M. Walsh, M. Schulmerich, P.S. Carney, R. Bhargava “On the importance of image formation optics in the design of infrared spectroscopic imaging systems” Analyst 139, 4031–4036 (2014).
Paper | DOI: 10.1039/C3AN01687K
A. Rosenberg, J. Surya, R. Liu, W. Streyer, S. Law, L.S. Leslie, R. Bhargava, D. Wasserman “Flat mid-infrared composite plasmonic materials using lateral doping-patterned semiconductors” J. Optics 16, 094012 (2014).
Paper | DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/9/094012
S. Biswas, M.J. Walsh, R. Bhargava “Fourier transform infrared (Ft-Ir) spectroscopic imaging for solid tumor histopathology” Optical Spectroscopy and Computational Methods in Biology and Medicine, Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics, M. Baranska, ed., Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands (2014) [Book Chapter]
ISBN: 978-94-007-7832-0
A. Abouimrane, S.A. Odom, H. Tavassol, M.V. Schulmerich, H. Wu, R. Bhargava, A.A. Gewirth, J.S. Moore, K. Amine “3-Hexylthiophene as a stabilizing additive for high voltage cathodes in lithium-ion batteries” J. Electrochem. Soc. 160, A268–A271 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1149/2.039302jes
A. K. Kodali, M. Schulmerich, R. Palekar, R. Bhargava “Sculpting the analytical volume in and around nanoparticle sensors using a multilayer geometry” Anal. Chem. 85, 3842–3848 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/ac302744g
B. Kwon, M.V. Schulmerich, R. Bhargava, W.P. King “Infrared emission from heated microcantilevers” Nanosc. Microsc. Thermophys. Eng. 17, 141–153 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1080/15567265.2012.760693
B. Kwon, J. Jiang, M.V. Schulmerich, Z. Xu, R. Bhargava, G.L. Liu, W.P. King “Bimaterial microcantilevers with black silicon nanocone arrays” Sens. Actuators, A 199, 143–148 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2013.05.007
B. Kwon, M. Seong, J.-N. Liu, M. R. Rosenberger, M.V. Schulmerich, R. Bhargava, B.T. Cunningham, W.P. King “Large infrared absorptance of bimaterial microcantilevers based on silicon high contrast grating” J. Appl. Phys. 114, 153511 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1063/1.4825313
Y. Liu, C. Zhang, D. Hu, M.S. Kuhlenschmidt, T.B. Kuhlenschmidt, S.E. Mylon, R. Kong, R. Bhargava, T. H. Nguyen “Role of collector alternating charged patches on transport of Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst in a patchwise charged heterogeneous micromodel” Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 2670–2678 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/es304075j
D. Mayerich, M. Walsh, M. Schulmerich, R. Bhargava “Real-time interactive data mining for chemical imaging information: Application to automated histopathology” BMC Bioinformatics 14, 156 (2013) [Designated “Highly Accessed”].
Paper | DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-14-156
J.G. Moreno-Torres, X. Llorà, D.E. Goldberg, R. Bhargava “Repairing fractures between data using genetic programming-based feature extraction: A case study in cancer diagnosis” Info. Sci. 222, 805–823 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2010.09.018
R.K. Reddy, M.J. Walsh, M.V. Schulmerich, P.S. Carney, R. Bhargava “High-definition infrared spectroscopic imaging” Appl. Spectrosc. 67, 93–105 (2013). Paper | DOI: 10.1366/11-06568
M.V. Schulmerich, M.K. Gelber, H.M. Azam, S.K. Harrison, J. McKinney, D. Thompson, B. Owen, L.S. Kull, R. Bhargava “Amino acid quantification in bulk soybeans by transmission Raman spectroscopy” Anal. Chem. 85, 11376–11381 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/ac402284b
A.B. Shah, S.T. Sivapalan, B.M. DeVetter, T.K. Yang, J. Wen, R. Bhargava, C. J. Murphy, J.-M. Zuo “High-index facets in gold nanocrystals elucidated by coherent electron diffraction” Nano Lett. 13, 1840–1846 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/nl400609t
S.T. Sivapalan, B.M. DeVetter, T.K. Yang, M.V. Schulmerich, R. Bhargava, C. J. Murphy “Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of polyelectrolyte-wrapped gold nanoparticles in colloidal suspension” J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 10677–10682 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/jp402392y
S.T. Sivapalan, B.M. DeVetter, T.K. Yang, T. van Dijk, M.V. Schulmerich, P. S. Carney, R. Bhargava, C. J. Murphy “Off-resonance SERS from gold nanorod suspensions as a function of aspect ratio: Not what we thought” ACS Nano 7, 2099–2105 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/nn305710k
T. van Dijk, D. Mayerich, R. Bhargava, P.S. Carney “Rapid spectral-domain localization” Opt. Express 21, 12822–12830 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1364/OE.21.012822
T. van Dijk, D. Mayerich, P.S. Carney, R. Bhargava “Recovery of absorption spectra from Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectroscopic measurements of intact spheres” Appl. Spectrosc. 67, 546–552 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1366/12-06847
T. van Dijk, S.T. Sivapalan, B.M. DeVetter, T.K. Yang, M.V. Schulmerich, C.J. Murphy, R. Bhargava, P.S. Carney “Competition between extinction and enhancement in surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 1193–1196 (2013).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/jz4005043
K. Yeh, M. Schulmerich, R. Bhargava “Mid-infrared microspectroscopic imaging with a quantum cascade laser” Proc. SPIE 8726, art. no. 87260E (2013). [Conference Paper]
R. Ambekar, T.-Y. Lau, M. Walsh, R. Bhargava, K.C. Toussaint Jr “Quantifying collagen structure in breast biopsies using second-harmonic generation imaging” Biomed. Opt. Express 3, 2021–2035 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1364/BOE.3.002021
R. Bhargava “Infrared spectroscopic imaging: The next generation” Appl. Spectrosc. 66, 1091–1120 (2012). [Invited Focal Point Article]
Paper | DOI: 10.1366/12-06801
M.R. Kole, R.K. Reddy, M.V. Schulmerich, M.K. Gelber, R. Bhargava “Discrete frequency infrared microspectroscopy and imaging with a tunable quantum cascade laser” Anal. Chem. 84, 10366–10372 (2012)
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/ac302513f
J.T. Kwak, R.K. Reddy, S. Sinha, R. Bhargava “Analysis of variance in spectroscopic imaging data from human tissues” Anal. Chem. 84, 1063–1069 (2012). Paper | DOI: 10.1021/ac2026496
B. Kwon, M. Rosenberger, R. Bhargava, D.G. Cahill, W.P. King “Dynamic thermomechanical response of bimaterial microcantilevers to periodic heating by infrared radiation” Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 015003 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1063/1.3680107
B. Kwon, M.V. Schulmerich, L. J. Elgass, R. Kong, S.E. Holton, R. Bhargava, W.P. King “Infrared microspectroscopy combined with conventional atomic force microscopy” Ultramicroscopy 116, 56–61 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2012.03.007
N. Lu, S.E. Mylon, R. Kong, R. Bhargava, J.L. Zilles, T.H. Nguyen “Interactions between dissolved natural organic matter and adsorbed DNA and their effect on natural transformation of Azotobacter vinelandii “Sci. Total Environ. 426, 430–435 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.03.063
D.M. Mahr, R. Bhargava, M.F. Insana “Three-dimensional in silico breast phantoms for multimodal image simulations” IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 31, 689–697 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2011.2175401
S.A. Odom, T.P. Tyler, M.M. Caruso, J.A. Ritchey, M.V. Schulmerich, S.J. Robinson, R. Bhargava, N.R. Sottos, S.R. White, M.C. Hersam, J.S. Moore “Autonomic restoration of electrical conductivity using polymer-stabilized carbon nanotube and graphene microcapsules” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 043106 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1063/1.4737935
M.V. Schulmerich, M.J. Walsh, M.K. Gelber, R. Kong, M.R. Kole, S.K. Harrison, J. McKinney, D. Thompson, L.S. Kull, R. Bhargava “Protein and oil composition predictions of single soybeans by transmission Raman spectroscopy” J. Agric. Food. Chem. 60, 8097–8102 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/jf301247w
M.J. Walsh, S.E. Holton, A. Kajdacsy-Balla, R. Bhargava “Attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic imaging for comprehensive breast tissue histopathology” Vib. Spectrosc. 60, 23–28 (2012).
Paper | DOI: 10.1016/j.vibspec.2012.01.010
M.J. Walsh, R.K. Reddy, R. Bhargava “Label-free biomedical imaging with mid-infrared microspectroscopy” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electron. 18, 1502–1513 (2012). [Invited]
Paper | DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2011.2182635
K. Yeh, R.K. Reddy, R. Bhargava “Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging” Emerging Imaging Technologies in Medicine, M.A. Anastasio, P. La Riviere, eds., Taylor Francis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2012) [Book Chapter]
ISBN: 978-14-398-8041-8
T.H. Nguyen, R.K. Reddy, M.J. Walsh, M. Schulmerich, G. Popescu, M.N. Do, R. Bhargava “Denoising and deblurring of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging data” Proc. SPIE 8296, art. no. 82960M (2012). [Conference Paper]
M.J. Walsh, D. Mayerich, A. Kajdacsy-Balla, R. Bhargava “High-resolution mid-infrared imaging for disease diagnosis” Proc. SPIE 8219, art. no. 82190R (2012). [Conference Paper]
D. Chanda, K. Shigeta, T. Truong, E. Lui, A. Mihi, M. Schulmerich, P.V. Braun, R. Bhargava, J.A. Rogers “Coupling of plasmonic and optical cavity modes in quasi-three-dimensional plasmonic crystals” Nat. Commun. 2, 479 (2011)
Paper | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1487
B.J. Davis, P.S. Carney, R. Bhargava “Theory of infrared microspectroscopy for intact fibers” Anal. Chem. 83, 525–532 (2011).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/ac102239b
S.E. Holton, M.J. Walsh, R. Bhargava “Subcellular localization of early biochemical transformations in cancer-activated fibroblasts using infrared spectroscopic imaging” Analyst 136, 2953–2958 (2011)
Paper | DOI: 10.1039/c1an15112f
S.E. Holton, M.J. Walsh, A. Kajdacsy-Balla, R. Bhargava “Label-free characterization of cancer-activated fibroblasts in cell culture and clinical tissues using infrared spectroscopic imaging” Biophys. J. 101, 1513–1521 (2011)
Paper | DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2011.07.055
A.K. Kodali, R. Bhargava “Effect of non-specificity in shape, size, and dielectric properties on electromagnetic extinction and optical field enhancement from spherical nanolayered metal-dielectric particles” Theor. Chem. Acc. 130, 991–1000 (2011) [Invited]
Paper | DOI: 10.1007/s00214-011-1038-1
R. Kong, R. Bhargava “Characterization of porcine skin as a model for human transdermal diffusion” Analyst 136, 2359–2366 (2011)
doi:10.1039/C1AN15111H. Paper | DOI: 10.1039/C1AN15111H
J.T. Kwak, S.M. Hewitt, S. Sinha, R. Bhargava “Multimodal microscopy for automated histologic analysis of prostate cancer” BMC Cancer 11, 62 (2011). [Designated “Highly Accessed”]
Paper | DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-11-62
B. Kwon, C. Wang, K. Park, R. Bhargava, W.P. King “Thermomechanical sensitivity of microcantilevers in the mid-infrared spectral region” Nano Micro Thermophys. Eng. 15, 16–27 (2011).
Paper | DOI: 10.1080/15567265.2010.502925
J.-N. Liu, M.V. Schulmerich, R. Bhargava, B.T. Cunningham “Optimally designed narrowband mid-infrared guided-mode resonance reflectance filters for mid-infrared spectroscopy” Opt. Express 19, 24182–24197 (2011).
Paper | DOI: 10.1364/OE.19.024182
M.J. Nasse, M.J. Walsh, E.C. Mattson, R. Reininger, A. Kajdacsy-Balla, V. Macias, R. Bhargava,* C.J. Hirschmugl* [*Joint corresponding authors] “High-resolution Fourier-transform infrared chemical imaging with multiple synchrotron beams” Nat. Methods 8, 413–416 (2011).
Paper | DOI: 10.1038/NMETH.1585
- News and Views: F. L. Martin “Shining a new light into molecular workings” Nat. Methods 8, 385–387 (2011).
- Author profile by M. Baker Nat. Methods 8, 363 (2011).
J. Yao, A.-P. Le, M. V. Schulmerich, J. Maria, T.-W. Lee, S. K. Gray, R. Bhargava, J. A. Rogers, R. G. Nuzzo “Soft embossing of nanoscale optical and plasmonic structures in glass” ACS Nano 5, 5763–5774 (2011).
Paper | DOI: 10.1021/nn201464t
J.T. Kwak, S. Sinha, R. Bhargava “Histological segmentation for infrared spectroscopic imaging using frequent pattern mining” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Chicago (2011). [Conference Paper]
R.K. Reddy, B. Davis, P.S. Carney, R. Bhargava “Modeling Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic imaging of prostate and breast cancer tissue specimens” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Chicago (2011). [Conference Paper]