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Yamuna Phal represents UIUC at 2021 EECS MIT Rising Stars Workshop

Yamuna Phal presented “Emerging Techniques in Infrared Imaging” at the 2021 MIT EECS Rising Stars Workshop designed to recognize and empower students with underrepresented gender identities in the STEM fields. Her research, “encompasses a fundamental information theory approach that pushes the spatial and spectral limits of IR microscopy”. This workshop helps highlight the work of historically marginalized and underrepresented genders in the electrical engineering and computer science fields.

Phal’s research in Beckman’s Computational Imaging Group advances infrared imaging technology for better, faster disease diagnosis. Her presentation, titled “Emerging Techniques in Infrared Imaging,” expounded on this groundbreaking work.

Rohit Bhargava among the world’s top 100 most influential analytical scientists

The Power List for the Analytical Scientist celebrates 100 of the world’s most influential analytical scientists including our own Prof. Bhargava who states, “The biggest breakthrough in our field has been the ready availability of tunable lasers across the mid-IR spectral region. With the availability of quantum cascade lasers, a widely tunable, high intensity source became available. This technology has changed our field.”