Dr. Sudipta Mukherjee
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Sudipta Mukherjee is interested in the development of nonlinear microscopic techniques and their application to fundamental problems in biophysics and material chemistry.
Sudipta received his doctoral degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2013, where he worked with Prof. Martin T. Zanni. His dissertation was on the development of a novel nonlinear spectroscopic technique-three dimensional infrared spectroscopy (3DIR).
After graduating he moved to University of California-Irvine where he worked towards the development of vibrationally resonant sum frequency generation (VRSFG) and scattering scanning optical microscopy (s-SNOM) as surface sensitive, chemically specific imaging techniques.
Sudipta joined Prof. Bhargava’s lab in June 2018 where he will be working on developing automated approaches of Infrared and Raman histopathology of prostate and breast cancer tissues.